Imaginative Intelligences

Imaginative Intelligences

Examining Creative Purpose in the Age of AI

We are social learners. We are tactile learners. Join us in a new artistic practice harnessing collective intelligence to create the concepts needed for a new era.

The Berggruen Institute & Mozilla Foundation invite you to participate in a unique collective experiment around creativity, purpose and AI.

AI is developing at breakneck speed and we find ourselves as spectators of the largest shift in human perception in recorded history. We are frighteningly short of opportunities to think deeply about what it all means for our understanding of the creative currents of our civilization.

We, Angelenos, live and work at the center of global media. Our thoughts, our words, our creations move societies. We must take this moment seriously and create the concepts we need to understand the present and face the future and our place within it.

From the philosophical to the practical, we’ll consider fundamental questions like:

Why do we create, and why does it matter?

How is a world where creativity is outsourced to machines different?

What conditions do musicians, storytellers and content creators need to thrive in this new age?

How do we ensure serendipity remains a core attribute to the creative process?

Where and what needs investment in time and resources?

What we will do

You will go through a process designed to break ingrained thought patterns, examine the concepts and beliefs we use to shape our realities, and build new ones to help us navigate the dawn of a new technological era.

See this as a way to take a step back from your day to day. Learn from and build understandings with talented and thoughtful peers who represent the full breadth of your industry. Spend a few hours in an iconic setting, tackling hard problems using innovative methods. The outcomes will be multiple and shared with the world.

About the Creative Assemblies

The Creative Assembly is a 6-hour participatory, interactive cultural technology that enables diverse groups of people from varied backgrounds and abilities to identify, metabolize and express common yet complex situations through narrative thinking, deep listening, design management and manufacturing, and artistic visualization.

Developed at MIT and perfected in LA, this bold, collective experiment has brought together gangs, police, pastors, fire fighters, homeowners, undocumented, unhoused, mayors and sex workers to tackle today's greatest challenges with real-world results. Now, we are examining creativity itself.


By engaging directly with the creative community, your ideas and understandings will help build a better future for the arts where it meets technology. Your participation will enable you to collectively explore the nature of creativity, feeding into new initiatives at the Mozilla Foundation and beyond that seek to protect creator interests at the dawn of this new technological era.

These include:

  • Fellowship Programs
  • Policy Frameworks
  • Grant Funding
  • Program Development and Research
  • And More

With so much technology created without artist consent or involvement, this is above all an opportunity to become part of the Mozilla community through direct participation, working with a unique methodology brought to you by one of the Berggruen Institute's network of innovators.

imaginary intelligences

When & Where

We will be hosting five assemblies at two historic locations in Los Angeles for members of Film, Music, and Creator Economy Industries.

Bradbury Building in Downtown LA: April 5 & 10th

The Beverly Estate in Beverly Hills: May 16, 20 & 24

Assemblies will be held from 10am - 4pm

Participants will be compensated for their time. Due to the limited number of spaces and the need for a broadly representative group of participants, we kindly ask that you fill out the brief form below if you’re interested in joining.

About the hosts

Mozilla Foundation
The Mozilla Foundation is the engine for people to imagine, then build, a digital world that serves everyone. We translate and operate across diverse technology communities to advance the best of the Internet.

Berggruen Institute
The Berggruen Institute develops new conceptual frameworks to meet the challenges and harness the opportunities of the arriving future. As an independent think and action tank, we have the autonomy to step outside the usual lanes, reaching beyond academic disciplines to bridge social divides, partisan dispositions, and cultural boundaries.

Gabriel Kahan
Creative practitioner, technologist and Berggruen Fellow, Gabriel Kahan will guide participants through his unique method and practice. Developed at MIT, perfected in LA, he has previously brought together gangs, police, pastors, fire fighters, homeowners, undocumented, unhoused, mayors and sex workers to tackle today's greatest challenges with real-world results.

The Team

Laura RyanNathalia RamosAlex GardelsZiyaad BhoratNick GoddardHannah IsmaelLeonora Chance