Philip Pettit

PHILIP PETTIT is L.S.Rockefeller University Professor of Human Values, Princeton, and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Australian National University. Raised in Ireland, he has held positions on both sides of the border as well as in a number of other countries. He is best known for his articulation and defence of civic republican ideas, building carefully on the history of the tradition. Republicanism (Oxford 1997) has been translated into over a dozen languages and has been followed up by other works that develop the core ideas, most recently Just Freedom (Norton, 2014). President Zapatero of Spain embraced republican principles in his first term of government, 2004-08, and invited Pettit, in a public exchange in Madrid, July 2004, to do a review before the subsequent election of how far his administration had conformed to those principles. This review, presented publicly in July 2007, and published in Spanish in 2008, is included in a joint book with the Spanish legal theorist, Jose Marti, A Political Philosophy in Public Life: Civic Republicanism in Zapatero’s Spain (Princeton 2010). Pettit works in a wide range of philosophical areas and his other books include The Common Mind (1993,) ; The Economy of Esteem (2004) with G.Brennan; Group Agency (2011) with C. List ; On the People’s Terms (2012); and The Robust Demands of the Good (2015). Common Minds: Themes from the Philosophy of Philip Pettit , ed G.Brennan et al, appeared from Oxford in 2007. Philip Pettit – Five Themes from his Work, ed S.Derpmann and D.Schweikard , appeared from Springer in 2016.