Laura Jeon

Dr. Laura Jeon is currently the 34th term President of the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles (KAFLA). She was elected to KAFLA’s top post by the community in 2016. Previously, she served as KAFLA’s 33rd President and Executive Vice President. Laura was an adjunct faculty member at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. She also served as Chief Executive Officer of the Korean Health, Education, Information & Research Center (KHEIR) for 13 years. She has worked tirelessly in her career to be a voice for the Korean American community and has dedicated her life to enriching the quality of life for the Korean American and diverse communities. Laura served as a commissioner on the California State Department of Health Services Domestic Violence Advisory Council and as a commissioner for the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging. She has held numerous leadership positions and chaired multiple Korean American councils and committees. Laura’s vision for KAFLA includes bridging the generational gap between 1st and 2nd generation Korean Americans and building bridges with neighboring communities in order to be impactful. She has worked her entire life to empower the Korean American community and wants to continue working with elected representatives at all levels to garner support for the Korean American community in Los Angeles County and throughout the state. Laura is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.