Weiwen Duan

Duan Weiwen is the Director and Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology in the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Duan also directs of the Research Center for Science, Technology and Society atCASS. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Central China Normal University, and a Master of Philosophy and PhD degree in Philosophy of Science and Technology from Renmin University of China. He specializes in philosophy of science and philosophy of information technology. His recent focus is on the philosophical, ethical and social research of big data and AI. He was a visiting scholar in Oxford University, Colorado School of Mines, and University of Pittsburgh. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society and Journal of Responsible Innovation, and he is one of the deputy chairmen of the Committee of Big Data Experts of China. He is the chief researcher of “Philosophical Studies on Intelligence Revolution and Deepening Techno-scientific of Human Being (2017-2022)”. He is the author of several books, including The Ethical Foundation of Information Civilization (2020, Shanghai People’s Press), Acceptable Science: Reflection on the Foundation of Contemporary Science (2014, Science and Technology Press of China), Ethical Reflection on Cyberspace (2002, Jiangsu People’s Publishing House), and Truss up Time: Technology and Life World (2001, Guangdong Education Publishing House), etc.
At Berggruen, Duan will focus on ethical issues around facial recognition technology development and implementation. He will approach the topic based on how China could learn from other societies’ attitudes on the technology, and based on China’s own cultural and philosophical background, he plans to lead the effort of drafting a comprehensive report. He works closely with academics and industries in the field.