Aneesh Aneesh

Aneesh is Professor and Executive Director of the School of Global Studies and Languages at the University of Oregon. Previously, he taught in the Science and Technology Program at Stanford University, and served as a professor of sociology and director of the Global Studies Program and the Institute of World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Aneesh is the author of Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization (Duke 2006) and Neutral Accent: How Language, Labor and Life Become Global (Duke 2015), and co-editor of Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices (Rutgers 2011) and The Long 1968: Revisions and New Perspectives (Indiana 2013).
Aneesh has served on the editorial boards of Sociological Theory, Sociology Compass, and Science, Technology and Society. He has written for newspapers such as the San Francisco Chronicle, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and The Times of India.
In the early 2000s, he formulated the theory of algorithmic governance and coined the term “”algocracy,”” distinguishing it from bureaucratic, market, and surveillance-based governance systems. Currently, Aneesh is working on an alternative framework for citizenship in a stateless world society.
Aneesh’s research has been supported by the McArthur Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Population Council, School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, and Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles.