Adrià Duarte

Adrià Duarte Griñó is Coordinator of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD); graduate in Political Science and Administration (Pompeu Fabra University) and Master in Political and Institutional Communication (University Institute of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation); political scientist specializing in communication, with experience and research in electoral campaigns, political consultancy, political strategy and participatory democracy.
He is currently coordinator of the Technical Secretariat of the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (IOPD) within the World Secretariat of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) based in Barcelona. The IOPD is an international network of local governments and research centers that seeks to promote participatory democracy and democratic innovations at the local level.
The responsibilities of the global coordination of the IOPD include the co-organization of the network's annual conference, an event that brings together more than 300 mayors, policy makers and experts; the organization of the IOPD Best Practice in Citizen Participation Award; the organization of events, workshops and lectures, as well as responsibility for publications and other activities.
As a result of his responsibilities, he gives lectures at conferences and training courses for the Institut National des Études Territoriales (INET) in France.
Adrià Duarte es Coordinador del Observatorio Internacional de Democracia Participativa (OIDP)Actualmente se desempeña como coordinador de la Secretaría Técnica del Observatorio Internacional de Democracia Participativa (OIDP) dentro de la Secretaría Mundial de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU), con sede en Barcelona. El OIDP es una red internacional de gobiernos locales y centros de investigación que busca promover la democracia participativa e innovaciones democráticas a nivel local.Las responsabilidades de la coordinación global del OIDP incluyen la coorganización de la conferencia anual de la red, un evento que reúne a más de 300 alcaldes, responsables políticos y expertos; la organización del Premio a las Mejores Prácticas en Participación Ciudadana del OIDP; la organización de eventos, talleres y conferencias, así como la responsabilidad sobre publicaciones y otras actividades.Como resultado de sus responsabilidades, imparte conferencias en congresos y cursos de formación para el Institut National des Études Territoriales (INET) en Francia.