Dual Perspectives on Bioethics: Western Principalism and the Confucian Rituals Tradition

Event language is Chinese, no translation.
Cultural backgrounds lead to vary versions of bioethics, such as contemporary Western liberal bioethics and Confucian bioethics. Western liberal bioethics considers principles as its cornerstone and emphasizes the status of the individual. Dr. Ruiping Fan's new book, Contemporary Medical Care and Confucianism, discusses the Confucian bioethics which begins with ritual and underlines the “family.”
At this event, Fan will join Dr. Yali Cong from Peking University’s Medical School, and Dr. Jue Wang from Xi‘an Jiaotong University’s Philosophy Department to discuss the basic concerns of Western liberal bioethics and Confucian bioethics, and how to form appropriate bioethics principles that are both closely related to its culture and capable of transcending cultural barriers.

Ruiping Fan
Chair Professor of Philosophy, Department of Public and International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong
Fan’s research focuses on Confucian bioethics and comparative philosophy. He is the co-editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine (Hong Kong, China), associate editor of the Journal of Medicine & Philosophy in the United States and the Chinese Medical Ethics in mainland China, and member of the editorial board of the international “Philosophy and Medicine” series (Springer). He is also one of the main advocates and organizers of a symposium series on “Constructing Bioethics in China”, which has been held 18 events. He has published more than 100 papers in both English and Chinese.

Yali Cong
Professor, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Law, School of Health Humanities, Peking University
Cong is engaged in the teaching of medical ethics, as well as research in the fields of physicians' professionalism, ethical review of biomedical research, and public health ethics, and has published more than 100 papers in both Chinese and English. She is also the designated director for the Branch of Medical Ethics of China Medical Association, a board member of the Medical Ethics Expert Committee of the National Health Commission of PRC, an official consultant of the World Medical Association in medical ethics, and the deputy director of the China-U.S. Center on Medical Professionalism, PUHSC.

Jue Wang
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Wang’s research interests include phenomenology, medical ethics, and the ethics of science and technology, with current research focusing on Confucian bioethics and the philosophy of artificial intelligence. Her research projects include “The Problem of Body in Heidegger's Philosophy”, “Intergenerational Equity in the Aging Society”, and “A Framework of Ethical Challenges and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Applications”. She has published more than 40 papers on World Philosophy, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, and other academic journals at home and abroad. Her translation includes Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion.